
Destiny Online catalog

Book Checkout

In general, library time will consist of 30 minutes of instruction or activity, then 20 minutes of checkout time. During checkout time, students are to checkout first, then can read the books they have checked out, read any material in the library, take an AR quiz, or do some other activity, like using the Smart Board. Students will be given a five minute warning before the checkout time is over to clean up and make sure their books are checked out. 

Book Return

  • Books are checked out for two weeks, but can be returned at any time via the book drops. Students are encouraged to return books as soon as they are done with them, so others can check them out and to reduce the possibility of losing or damaging a book.
  • Book carts will be distributed to each classroom on their library day. Students need to place their books in the cart and the cart needs to be taken to the library as soon as possible.

Library Policies

  • If a student has a particular need for additional books (project, going on a trip, etc.), and have been responsible with library books they may check out more upon approval from the librarian.
  • Book selection is up to the student, unless specific instruction has been given to the library from a teacher or a parent. The only restriction is only one ‘fun’ book, such as an ISpy book, joke book, comic book, etc., can be checked out to a student at a time.
  • Books can be renewed one time for an additional two weeks. Books must be brought in for renewal.
  • If a student has ANY overdue books he/she will not be able to checkout any additional books until the overdue book is returned or renewed. Overdue notices will be sent out at the end of each month for the previous month.
  • If a book is damaged while checked out to a student, he/she is responsible to notify the librarian of the damage, and will receive a notice to take home regarding payment for the damaged book. Damage includes: chewed corners, water damage, markings inside the book, and damage to the spine of the book resulting in pages falling out. A student will not be able to check out any books until the damaged book is paid for. If a page is torn it should be brought to the attention of the librarian, and an assessment will be made as to whether the book needs to be replaced. If the tears are repairable, the library will use a special tape. PLEASE DO NOT MEND A TORN PAGE AT HOME.