Safety Patrol
Tapteal Elementary School’s Safety Patrol has accepted the following pledge along with other rules and regulations of the Patrol.
-Report to duty on time
-Perform duties faithfully
-Strive to prevent traffic causalities, always setting a good example
-Obey teachers and officers of the patrol
-Report dangerous practice of students
-Strive to earn the respect of fellow students
Before school patrol runs from 8:15-8:40.
After school patrol runs from 3:15-3:30.
**Students will not be kept out in inclement weather**
Please contact Andrew Burt if you have any questions at or call the school to leave him a message at 967-6350.
Remember to be cautious when driving before and after school. Make eye contact with our patrol students so they know if you are stopping or not. We greatly appreciate your help and patience!!