Title IX

Title IX, formally known as Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, is a federal law that addresses discrimination and ensures equity in sports. The law also includes a major focus on prevention of and response to incidents of sexual harassment and sexual assault.

Know Your Rights
Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities. All public and private educational institutions receiving federal funds must comply with Title IX.
How to Get Help or File a Complaint
If a Richland School District student or staff member has been sexually harassed or sexually assaulted, report the incident(s) to any school staff member or the district's Title IX Coordinators.
Title IX Coordinator Role
Richland School District's Title IX Coordinators must have knowledge of all Title IX requirements, the district's policies and procedures on sex discrimination, and of all complaints throughout the district that raise Title IX Issues.
Their core responsibilities include:
  • Tracking the district's response to reports and complaints of sexual harassment.
  • Determining the appropriate response and remedial actions.
  • Identifying and addressing any patterns or systemic problems revealed by such reports and complaints.
If it is unclear whether a formal complaint should be filed, consult the district’s Title IX Coordinators:

Notice of Translation

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