
Hello Hawk Families!

I am your principal, Sean Langdon. My assistant principal is Rachael Clayton. And we're so excited to welcome our Tapteal families back to another great year at Tapteal Elementary. Our teachers have been preparing for our student's first day. We hope the first day is extra special. We can't wait to see you!

Here is a little about the structure we have in place to ensure our students are successful:

Tapteal Elementary is a PBIS school, in which we have positive behavior supports for learning. We recognize and reinforce positive behavior using the Tapteal Big 3, which is Show Respect, Solve Problems, and Make Good Decisions.

And we embrace the Kids at Hope philosophy. We believe every child has dreams for the future, and is capable of success, no exceptions. We search for all of the talents and intelligence that exist in all of our students, and ensure our students learn and grow into well-rounded citizens and critical thinkers.

As we partner with you as parents, here are a few things you could do to help your children:

  • Ensure a good night’s sleep every day.
  • Provide breakfast or have your child participate in the breakfast program at school.
  • Limit screen time.
  • Read to your child, and have them read to you.
  • Ensure students are at school on-time each day.
  • Pick up students promptly after school.
  • Model safety and respect for school rules while on campus and in the parking lot.
  • Communicate with your child’s teacher(s) regularly.
  • Attend parent-teacher conferences.
  • Keep informed by reading the monthly Principal Newsletters, and Richland School District communications.

Thank you for joining the Tapteal Elementary family. We look forward to partnering with you to help your most cherished children succeed!

- Sean Langdon
Tapteal Principal